Busan Songdo Beach Restaurant!!


Bugchang-dong Sundubu [Amnam-dong]


📛 shop name - Bugchang-dong Sundubu

🗺️ address - 97 Songdohaebyeon-ro, Seo-gu, Busan, South Korea

⏲️ business hours - 09:00~21:00(Last Order 20:50)

💜 Hot menu - Bugchangdong Sundubu, Vegetable Egg Roll, Premium LA Galbi Grilled Soft Tofu Set Meal

📞 phone - 051-243-1020

🅿️ parking - Available

  • 💵 detail menu / price :

Bugchangdong Sundubu , Vegetable Egg Roll, Premium LA Galbi Grilled Soft Tofu Set Meal

  • 😀 brief evaluation :A restaurant with a refreshing taste of soft tofu stew with a view of Songdo Beach.





Brunch Cafe Diafeliz [Songdo Beach]


📛 shop name - Diafeliz

🗺️ address - 39 Amnamgongwon-ro, Seo-gu, Busan, South Korea

⏲️ business hours - 10:00~24:00(Last order 23:50, Brunch available 10:00~14:00)

🍰 Hot menu - Cream Egg Benedict, Ice Americano

📞 phone - 0507-1381-1874

🅿️ parking - Public parking lot in front of the store(10 minutes : 300 won)

  • 💵 detail menu / price :

Cream Egg Benedict 14,000 won , Ice Americano 4,500 won

  • 😀 brief evaluation :Good mood





Sogsiwonhae Daegu Tang [Amnam-dong]


📛 shop name - Sogsiwonhae Daegu Tang

🗺️ address - 79 Songdohaebyeon-ro, Seo-gu, Busan, South Korea

⏲️ business hours - 08:00~20:50(Last Order 20:30, Weekends, Holiday 15:00~16:00 Break Time)

💜 Hot menu - Daegu Tang, Gyelanmali, Daegu Jjim

📞 phone - 0507-1349-8867

🅿️ parking - Available(30 minutes free)

  • 💵 detail menu / price :

Daegu Tang 12,000 won, Gyelanmali 8,000 won, Daegu Jjim small 30,000 won, large 40,000 won

  • 😀 brief evaluation :A bowl of cool Daegutang right in front of Songdo Beach!


  • 😀 brief evaluation :A bowl of cool Daegutang right in front of Songdo Beach!
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