[Gwangalli] Sushi Kou


📛 shop name - Sushi Kou

🗺️ address - 1st floor, 46, Millakbondong-ro 31beon-gil, Suyeong-gu, Busan, South Korea

⏲️ business hours - 12:00~22:00 (Closed On Every THU)

💜 Hot menu - Dinner Omakase, Lunch Omakase

📞 phone - 0507-1304-9603


📛 shop name - Sushi Kou
🗺️ address - 1st floor, 46, Millakbondong-ro 31beon-gil, Suyeong-gu, Busan, South Korea
⏲️ business hours - 12:00~22:00 (Closed On Every THU)
💜 Hot menu - Dinner Omakase, Lunch Omakase
📞 phone - 0507-1304-9603
🅿️ parking - Not available / Private parking lot X, but available in the same private parking lot (26-4 Millak-dong, Suyeong-gu, Busan) / Paid
  • 💵 detail menu / price :
  • Dinner Omakase 70,000 won, Lunch Omakase 45,000 won
  • 😀 brief evaluation :Each time you eat, the chef kindly explains. If you're looking for an omakase that's well-organized and cost-effective, this is the place to be.
  • 📱 Company :
  • https://app.catchtable.co.kr/ct/shop/sushikou
  • 🔎 Tag :#busanomakase, #busanfamousrestaurant, #busanfamousomakase, #suyeongrestaurant
  • Comments