Nine Mountain Forest


rules for visiting the Ahopsan Forest:


No shouting: It is crucial to refrain from making loud noises as it causes significant stress to the village residents, as well as the grass, flowers, trees, animals, birds, and insects that make up the forest.


Stay within designated areas: Follow only the designated paths and do not venture into restricted areas. Resting, eating, playing in the forest, attending lectures, and participating in experiential events should all take place in designated areas.


Protect the inhabitants of the forest: Everything in the forest, including plants, insects, and trees, is precious and should not be harmed. Activities such as collecting plants, capturing insects, or damaging trees are strictly prohibited. Separate experiential events, such as collecting spring herbs or bamboo shoots, may be arranged following the seasonal schedule. You may also have the opportunity to participate in activities like making leaf hats or pruning branches under the guidance of instructors. Any unauthorized damage may result in compensation claims.


Always pay attention to the guides: Individual actions should be minimized, and constant attention should be given to the guides. Following their instructions and requests is crucial, especially when engaging in activities related to forest cultivation or using tools, as safety is of utmost importance.


Carry out your trash: It is essential to adhere to the principle of taking your trash with you when leaving the forest. This is a common courtesy when visiting any natural environment.


Essential items for forest exploration: Wear appropriate clothing according to the season, comfortable hiking shoes, a camera, and, depending on the program, magnifying glasses, hand mirrors, notebooks, writing utensils, and study materials. Bring a simple individual meal if necessary, depending on the duration of the exploration.


Prohibited items: Cooking activities are strictly prohibited. Items such as alcohol, tobacco, firearms, toys like balls or water guns, personal boxed meals exceeding a certain size, and pets are not allowed. Admission may be denied at the discretion of the guides.


These guidelines may appear stricter compared to a general concept of forest or valley environments. However, should we leave our forests and valleys as places where people roast meat, play games, leave behind trash and foul odors, disturb the surrounding trees, insects, and small fish, and make children lament? Even from the perspective of cultural diversity, just as we have singing rooms, arcades, schools, libraries, and pubs, we need places that remain true to their original purpose, where forests can interact with humans, where we can learn from each other, and where forests can exist in their fresh, natural state.


Despite the apparent strictness of the above rules, I believe they are fundamental and self-evident principles. By adhering to them, we can experience a sense of freedom in the forest, where we harmonize with nature.

📛 shop name - Nine Mountain Forest
🗺️ address - 5250-10 Ungcheon-ri, Cheolma-myeon, Gijang-gun, Busan
⏲️ business hours - 09:00~18:00 (Entry Deadline 17:00)
💜 Hot menu - Eco-cultural experience program (reservation)
📞 phone - 051-721-9183
🅿️ parking - Available
  • 💵 detail menu / price :
  • Admission Fee 5,000 won
  • 😀 brief evaluation :A beautiful forest of healing, culture, exploration, and ecology that has been cherished for a long time.
  • 📱 Company :
  • 🔎 Tag :#busanfamousplace, #busanforest, #gijangfamousplace, #busanphotospot
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